Since I arrived on Wednesday, I was asked several times if I missed Vancouver. Well, I do miss the beautiful sights and I really miss my friends, but other than that, I can't say I do. I find the city quiet, too polite and proper. I'm not saying I want to live in chaos, but a little passion and excess does inject your life with bright colours, intriguing smells and beautiful sounds. If the cities were colours, I'd pick grey for Vancouver and bright red for Montreal. Water and fire. Being a Leo, my sign is that of fire, maybe there's a reason why my subconscious was always attracted by the passionate fire of my home town.
The other question I was asked is whether or not I regretted the time spent in Vancouver. The answer is a big "no". I really enjoyed my time here and made the most of it by taking up several new sports, spending weekends in nature, traveling up and down the West Coast (all the way down to San Francisco), visiting restaurants around the city, traveling East to the wonderful Okanagan region, and many, many other experiences that will stay with me forever as incredible souvenirs. But, there does come a time when you are simply ready for something different. I was ready to return to my roots.
I promise to not spend the next 72 hours indoors, fixing and adjusting things. If it's nice one afternoon, I will visit the Van Dusen garden, it will be quiet and hopefully the rhododendrons will have started blooming. Maybe I'll even bring my book and read a bit in the garden. So lovely. On Tuesday, Annie and I will enjoy cured meat, cheese, and wine pairings at Salt, hopefully with Sarah.